All of our chicks have been sourced from top hatcheries and have been raised in strictly clean cages and hygienic conditions. We do not use wire flooring in our cages since it is stressful and unnatural for any chicken to walk on a metal flooring; since we don't use wire floors - we need to clean the brooder boxes 2x per day. We also don't believe in raising huge numbers of chicks in a single brooder box stacked on top of each other - it is not right, it is not humane. We believe it is important for the chicks to be exposed to natural light and to be able to see outside their brooder box; instead of being crammed in metal boxes with wire floors that are stacked up to 8' off the ground with no access to natural sunlight or fresh air. Our chicks are raised in a room with fresh ventilation, natural lighting, windows and even a skylight. As they become older (starting at 3 weeks) they spend the day outdoors and have access to sunlight, fresh air, and garden greens are introduced into their diet.
All this is labor intensive for us - and increases our costs. We also raise our chicks on ORGANIC feed; we do not use medicated feed with anti-biotics. Feed stores sell chicks inexpensively since they don't share our belief in raising chicks humanely. It would be unusual for a feed store to start their chicks on organic feed since the cheaper medicated feed gives the chicks protection while living in dirty very crowded spaces. We believe it is important to treat the birds with dignity and respect. Our humane and strict practices also guarantee that your chick comes to you disease and stress free and most importantly - healthy.
Each chicken has received lots of love and attention; It is advantageous to play with the chickens - since it encourages them to bond with humans, and become "pet like; and lose their natural fear of humans. Purchasing young chicks and young pullets allows you to make them true pets. Also, mix up your flock - all the breeds get along well together; and it is more fun to have a colorful flock. It is also fine mixing chicks from different hatch dates - though you will always need to use the hatch date of the youngest chick for important milestones.
Our chicken have NOT been exposed to other chickens that may carry mites, Marek's Disease, worms, and other parasites. Our brooder boxes are cleaned 2x per day. Hygiene and biosecurity is extremely important when raising chickens - since unclean conditions can lead to stress which can create long term health problems. All our chickens have been vaccinated at birth for Marek's Disease and have been professionally sexed at the hatchery with 90% accuracy. Baby chicks can only be sexed internally via their vent - and gender is identified based on an internal "necklace" pattern. It is possible you may end up with a rooster. We regret when a chicken is sexed incorrectly and will try to help you re-home that chicken. For bio-security reasons once chickens leaves our premises we can not accept them back nor do we give refunds on chicks that were sexed incorrectly. It is extremely frustrating raising a chick and then seeing it develop into a rooster - we understand.
All chicks are available to take home 48 hours after their hatching dates. We offer a concierge service that allows customers to reserve up to 4 chicks prior to hatching for $10. For 5-6 chicks $15. 7-8 $19. BOTH The concierge service and drop ins include a baby chick package of: (1) 50 lbs organic feed; (2) 2.5 lbs baby chick scratch; (3) heat lamp with a fire rated ceramic base; (4) 250 watt red infrared bulb (to minimize pecking) , (5) chick bedding ; (6) baby waterer ; and (7) baby chick feeder. The baby chick package is an amazing price of $99.99 We understand you may already have some of these items so you can substitute/swap out for other items (adult hen feed, scratch, treats, etc) in our store. Please do not ask us to waive our policy. We are a small family business operating in one of the most expensive areas of the country and -- competing against Amazon. For us to continue as a business -- we have created this business model. If our business model does not suit your needs --- we suggest alternative sources for chicks or pullets can be found at your local feed store. We strongly recommend against purchasing chickens advertised on Craigslist since there are many unscrupulous sellers - you could be purchasing a diseased chicken; a rooster; or even a senior hen that is well past her egg laying prime.
It is important to remember these are live animals and occasionally they will not hatch or be available as scheduled. DO NOT ask us to keep your chicks past their pick up dates; we have limited space Chicks are also available on a drop in basis. You do not need to reserve if you are more flexible on breeds.
Note On BANTAMS: Bantams are smaller sized chickens typically ranging in weight from 1.5 - 2 pounds. They are popular as pets since their small sizes encourages cuddling and are popular with people with small yards, since they need less space. We encourage people to add a bantam to their flock (they can be placed in a flock with standard sized chickens). YES. It is fine that bantams are mixed with larger chickens. Our Bantams are "straight run" which means they have not been sexed at birth due to their small stature. We occassionally are able to source sexed bantams. Finally, bantams need extra heat than a standard sized chick at the same age. we DO NOT guarantee chicks if they are placed under a heat plate instead of the old style infrared heat bulb which comes with the chick package. The bulbs are not a fire hazard if you use common sense. We don't guarantee chicks that are raised with heat plates.
And what's a pullet? A female chicken less than a year old. ll sales of chicks, pullets and hens will include a single $99.99 feed/supply package. One package for up to 10 birds. Scroll Down!!! PULLETS - Hatched on : May 1 2024 9 MONTHS + old. $206.99 each unless indicated otherwise Barnevelder - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY . Last of her hatch. This Barnevelder l is very pretty , she has the classic brown double laced pattern and perky tail feathers. She is also friendly and curious. Barnevelders lay ay approx 180-200 eggs per year. Our remaining Barnevelder has recently started ; her egg is a medium brown color.
Hatching Date: May 29 2024 These birds are 8+ MONTHS OLD . $196.99 each unless indicated otherwise READY TO LAY!! Buff Brahma -VERY Limited Availability Originating from the Brahmaputra region in India where they are known as "Chittagongs". Brahmas are calm, friendly birds that make wonderful pets. They are so mellow - they seem stoned. They are one of the larger breeds out there ---- the mature hen will weigh up to 9 pounds! These big girls are perfect for families with toddlers! Their feathered feet help minimize scratching in backyards. Brahmas lay a cream colored egg on average 3-4x per week; and the Buff color we are offering is beautiful. Brahmas are also considered to be a "quiet" chicken, minimal clucking sounds.(missing some tail feathers)
Hatched on Date : JUNE 10 2024 8+ Months old These pullets are $199.99 each unless indicated otherwise Ready to Lay!! Olive Egger - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY The holy grail of eggs is the elusive olive colored egg. This hen gets her name from the olive colored eggs she lays; though the color can range from light green to dark Army pants green. To produce these green eggs the hen needs to have parentage of a dark brown layer (Barnevelder, Copper Marans, Pendesenca) and then a blue layer, or Ameracauna). This is a hybrid chicken, not a heritage breed, so there is no standard how they will appear. There is also a chance with any colored layer - that a recessive brown gene pops up and you will get brown eggs. They will come in multiple feather colors and facial appearance. WE ARE CURRENTLY COLLECTING BEAUTIFUL OLIVE EGGS FROM THIS GROUP $218.99
Speckled Sussex - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY Harry and Meghan's - namesake bird, the Speckled Sussex is beautifulThe Speckled Sussex comes from the English countryside of Sussex - and is a beautiful mahogany color with stately white "speckled flowers" on her body. Sussex’ love to eat – and can become overweight, which can affect their egg laying ability. They also become more beautiful with age - after each molt more specks adorn her body. Very laid back chicken, quiet, and perfect addition to the backyard flock.
Hatched: JULY 09 2024 These chicks are 7+ MONTHS OLD $192.99 each unless indicated otherwise COOP READY Delaware - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITYThis breed was developed in the state of Delaware by mixing Barred Rocks with white New Hampshires, resulting in a stately chicken with white feathering and black accents on its neck and tail. The Delaware is a very sweet girl, very reliable layer of large brown eggs, and does well in confinement or free range environments. Delawares are also valued for their quietness
Whiting True Blue - VERY LIMITEDAVAILABILITY A modern breed of chickens - this hybrid was developed to lay tons of blue eggs. We have found them to be independent --- and the best part is they lay GINORMOUS blue eggs. $202.99 LAYING!! WE ARE GETTING BEAUTIFUL BLUE EGGS FROM THIS GROUP>
Hatched : JULY 17 2024 These pullets are 6 + Months. $190.99 each unless indicated otherwise COOP READY! Easter Egger - VERY LIMITEDAVAILABILITYHands down - this is the most sought after chick we sell because of their ability to lay the very popular blue/green eggs. Not only do they lay beautiful colored eggs, but they are excellent layers and very friendly. Our Easter Eggers come in a mixture of colors and can have bearded muffs. Once they start laying their egg color remains constant. On very rare occasions - you will get an Easter Egger that only lays brown eggs It should be noted that what most people call "Americaunas" are really Easter Eggers. These are hybrids, "mutts" and will give you lots of beautiful eggs, but are not the standard. Easter Eggers are also prone to twisted beak. We do offer APA standard Blue Ameraucana.
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte -VERYLIMITEDAVAILABILITY Ohmygod! Drop dead gorgeous. Very rare feathering and very beautiful - they Blue Laced Red is the Cinderella of the Wyandotte family. She is slightly smaller and lays slightly smaller eggs than her sisters - but she is sweeter and less pushy. The blue feathering is recessive --- so some blues will come out baby blue, some will be solid blue and some will be nearly black. Genes are a funny thing! We just can't predict. Just like babies. $197.99
Golden Sebright (Bantam)(Straight Run) - Seabrights are very friendly and active birds but not cuddly. They have a very distinct erect posture - which makes them stand out amidst their fellow chickens; and their black pen and ink feathering certainly makes them noticable. They tend to be very active and can fly up into trees if free ranging. They seem more birdlike rather than chicken Their independence makes them great for avoiding predator attacks. Charles Darwin (yes, that Charles Darwin) took tremendous interest in Seabrights during his research for "On the Origin of Species" and was a home boy of Lord Sebright. FEMALE $230.99
Hatched date : JULY 24 2024 6+ Months Old These birds are $185.99 each unless indicated otherwise COOP READY! Olive Eggers - LIMITED AVAILABILITY The holy grail of eggs is the elusive olive colored egg. This hen gets her name from the olive colored eggs she lays; though the color can range from light green to dark Army pants green. To produce these green eggs the hen needs to have parentage of a dark brown layer (Barnevelder, Copper Marans, Pendesenca) and then a blue layer, or Ameracauna). This is a hybrid chicken, not a heritage breed, so there is no standard how they will appear. T hey will come in multiple feather colors and facial appearance. $199.99
Hatched Date : August 14, 2024 These girls are 5+ Month Old $176.99 each unless indicated otherwise. COOP READY French Black Copper Marans - VERYLIMITED AVAILABILITY Total Diva chicken - these are big bodied gals with feather feet that and a stunningly coiffed copper head; they slowly move around the yard looking both regal and bored. They are also friendly but their best attribute is their beautiful super- duper-duper dark brown egg, sometimes even copper in color. These eggs shout out, we are not from Safeway or WholeFoods! And of course, the BCM's have the fantastic reputation as being the James Bond bird. Evidently he demanded his daily morning omelet come from Marans. $192.99
Naked Necks - VERY LIMITEDAVAILABILITY When you look like a cross between a chicken, turkey and an dinosaur - then you better have a great personality! Naked Necks are deilghtfully wonderful. They are extremely intelligent, curious, and friendl; and because of their intelligence they tend to get into more mischief. On top of that, they are layer of large/extra large brown eggs. Despite their lack of feathers - they are extremely tough and healthy birds, and lay through the winter months. Their necks can go bright red in the summer months - so we apply sunscreen. They tend to be the alphas of a flock --- ahead of Orpingtons and Barred Rocks. Naked Necks are our family's favorite breed
Jubilee Orpington - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITYThe Jubilee Orpington was developed to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee Of Queen Victoria in 1897 (her 50th year on the throne. It is a bit of a mystery what breeds were used to create this show stopper - but most believe Spangled Old English, Dorkings and Orpingtons --- which results in this most beautiful chicken (mahogany base with black spangles and white tips ) and the Oprington puffy butt. Her eggs are a light brown. $199.99
Salmon Faverolle - - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY Known for their sweetness and extremely gentle nature we refer to them as 6 pound bantams. Salmon Faverolles are fairly rare but are becoming popular for backyard flocks. Because of their docile nature they tend to be on the bottom of the pecking order. They tolerate confinement well and are very good layers of light brown eggs; and you should expect to get 4 eggs per week. $181.99
Hatched on : August 21, 2024 These are 5+ Months Old. $172.99 each unless indicated otherwise! Easter Egger - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITYHands down - this is the most sought after chick we sell because of their ability to lay the very popular blue/green eggs. Not only do they lay beautiful colored eggs, but they are excellent layers and very friendly. Our Easter Eggers come in a mixture of colors and can have bearded muffs. Once they start laying their egg color remains constant. On very rare occasions - you will get an Easter Egger that only lays brown eggs It should be noted that what most people call "Americaunas" are really Easter Eggers. These are hybrids, "mutts" and will give you lots of beautiful eggs, but are not the standard. Easter Eggers are also prone to twisted beak. We do offer APA standard Blue Ameraucana.
Black Copper Marans -VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY Total Diva chicken - these are big bodied gals with feather feet that and a stunningly coiffed copper head; they slowly move around the yard looking both regal and bored. They are also friendly but their best attribute is their beautiful super- duper-duper dark brown egg, sometimes even copper in color. These eggs shout out, we are not from Safeway or WholeFoods! And of course, the BCM's have the fantastic reputation as being the James Bond bird. Evidently he demanded his daily morning omelet come from Marans. $190.99
Mosaic - NEW NEW NEW!VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY This is our first time offering this breed. Beautiful feathering and pattern (hence the name "Mosaic" - no two are alike --- but they all have turquoise ears! Not only are they gorgeous - they are very friendly and make great pets. Despite the blue ears - they lay cream colored eggs. $182.99 Buff Orpington - -VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY You just can't go wrong with an Orpington. Cheerful orange color, good layers, and super duper friendly; if they were a dog, they would be a yellow lab. We also find them to be highly intelligent and like labs, will do anything for food. They are a large breed, averaging 7 pounds - and tend to be super scratchers. Orpingtons lay large brown eggs.
Hatched on this Date : September 11 , 2024 These pullets are 5 + Months old. $169.99 each unless indicated otherwise COOP READY! Brahma ( Dark) - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY Originating from the Brahmaputra region in India where they are known as "Chittagongs". Brahmas are calm, friendly birds that make wonderful pets. They are so mellow - they seem stoned. They are one of the larger breeds out there ---- the mature hen will weigh up to 9 pounds! These big girls are perfect for families with toddlers! Their feathered feet help minimize scratching in backyards. Brahmas lay a cream colored egg on average 3-4x per week; and the Buff color we are offering is beautiful. Brahmas are also considered to be a "quiet" chicken, minimal clucking sounds. $174.99
Barred Rock VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY- Classic American chicken - "Barred Rocks" were always found on family farms throughout rural America. Their “real” name is Plymouth Barred Rock. People find their barred pattern very attractive and appreciate the friendly, laid back personality of the birds; plus these birds are excellent layers of large brown eggs. Barred Rocks like leadership positions and tend to be the "alpha of the flock".
Cream Legbar - The Cream Legbar is a bit of a church lady. She has a cute little bonnet on her head, very prim, and lays beautiful blue eggs. She is also autosexing so you know with absolute certainty that you are getting a hen. $175.99
Mosaic - NEW NEW NEW! -VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITYThis is our first time offering this breed. Beautiful feathering and pattern (hence the name "Mosaic" - no two are alike --- but they all have turquoise ears! Not only are they gorgeous - they are very friendly and make great pets. Despite the blue ears - they lay cream colored eggs. $169.99 Olive Egger - The holy grail of eggs is the elusive olive colored egg. This hen gets her name from the olive colored eggs she lays; though the color can range from light green to dark Army pants green. To produce these green eggs the hen needs to have parentage of a dark brown layer (Barnevelder, Copper Marans, Pendesenca) and then a blue layer, or Ameracauna). This is a hybrid chicken, not a heritage breed, so there is no standard how they will appear. T hey will come in multiple feather colors and facial appearance. $176.99
Buff Orpington - -VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY You just can't go wrong with an Orpington. Cheerful orange color, good layers, and super duper friendly; if they were a dog, they would be a yellow lab. We also find them to be highly intelligent and like labs, will do anything for food. They are a large breed, averaging 7 pounds - and tend to be super scratchers. Orpingtons lay large brown eggs.
Welsummer - VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITYThis is the iconic chicken that graces the Kellogg's Corn Flakes cereal box! Welsummers are not only great looking but also friendly! This breed matures early which means you get your eggs earlier than other breeds. Weighs 6 pounds at maturity and lays the most beautiful egg -- brown with dark freckling spots. Every Welsummer we have had has been a reliable layer of dark brown eggs and very friendly. Hatched on : September 23 , 2024 These chicks are 4+ months Old $148.99 each unless indicated otherwise COOP READY! Chocolate Orpington -VERT LIMITED AVAILABILITY Just like there are Chocolate Labs - there are Chocolate Orpingtons!! And like the Chocolate Lab - the Chocolate Orpington is more rare and sought after. $162.99
CHICKS!! 2025 ! o o o o o o o Hatching Date: Feb 12, 2025: All Chicks are $19.99 unless indicated
Easter Egger - Hands down - this is the most sought after chick we sell because of their ability to lay the very popular blue/green eggs. Not only do they lay beautiful colored eggs, but they are excellent layers and very friendly. Our Easter Eggers come in a mixture of colors and can have bearded muffs. Once they start laying their egg color remains constant. On very rare occasions - you will get an Easter Egger that only lays brown eggs It should be noted that what most people call "Americaunas" are really Easter Eggers. These are hybrids, "mutts" and will give you lots of beautiful eggs, but are not the standard. Easter Eggers are also prone to twisted beak. We do offer APA standard Blue Ameraucana.
Barred Rock - Classic American chicken - "Barred Rocks" were always found on family farms throughout rural America. Their “real” name is Plymouth Barred Rock. People find their barred pattern very attractive and appreciate the friendly, laid back personality of the birds; plus these birds are excellent layers of large brown eggs. Barred Rocks like leadership positions and tend to be the "alpha of the flock".
Bielefelder - We love this big docile gal. The Bielefelder comes from Germany and is praised for her extremely sweet temperament. She is super easy to scoop up and will charm in your Instagram feed. She is a BIG girl and lays extra large sized pinkish/brown eggs; upwards of 230 eggs per year! Even better! She is auto- sexing - which means at hatching, her feather pattern indicates if male or female. $45
Blue Cochin - You can't help but smile when you see a Giant Cochin stroll by. Not the best layer - but makes a Fabulous pet and is incredibly sweet and docile that even a toddler or special-need kids can catch and carry this chicken. Cochins are extremely large and have massive amounts of feathers, even on their legs and feet. They look like they are wearing pants from behind. On a historic note, the Cochins started the chicken craze back in Victorian England when they were brought from China to England. Cochins are also considered to be a very quiet chicken. $25.99
Houdans - Mottled Houdans come from the village of Houdan outside of Paris - and supplied the Parisian egg markets pre-WWW II. They are cousins to the wacky Polish, and have the distinctive bouffant crest- but can see better and are much better layers of large white eggs . They have a calm disposition and are very sweet-- but from a distance can look like they are a crumpled piece of clothing that somebody accidentally dropped. Unfortunately, In France they have now become rare --- replaced by commercial hybrid chickens. These are very popular birds with our customers $45
Polish (Buff Laced + Golden Polish) We call this the "Boys' Chicken". since boys always gravitate to her. Is it the crazy crest with the wild feathers? Polish chickens are very very friendly and make great pets and have a delightful "top hat" which gives them a very unique appearance; some may call it a heavy metal or Rock-a-billy look. Unfortunately, their crest gets in their eyes and causes poor vision, frequently resulting them being in the bottom of the pecking order. If this is a serious issue then we recommend trimming their feathers. Their egg laying abilities are mixed - sometimes great and sometimes mediocre of white eggs. $39.99
Welsummer This is the iconic chicken that graces the Kellogg's Corn Flakes cereal box! Welsummers are not only great looking but also friendly! This breed matures early which means you get your eggs earlier than other breeds. Weighs 6 pounds at maturity and can lay beautiful eggs -- brown with dark freckling spots. However, not guaranteed - sometimes they are just plain brown. Every Welsummer we have had has been a reliable layer of dark brown eggs and very friendly.
Hatching Date: March 05, 2025: All Chicks are $19.99 unless indicated Easter Egger -Hands down - this is the most sought after chick we sell because of their ability to lay the very popular blue/green eggs. Not only do they lay beautiful colored eggs, but they are excellent layers and very friendly. Our Easter Eggers come in a mixture of colors and can have bearded muffs. Once they start laying their egg color remains constant. On very rare occasions - you will get an Easter Egger that only lays brown eggs It should be noted that what most people call "Americaunas" are really Easter Eggers. These are hybrids, "mutts" and will give you lots of beautiful eggs, but are not the standard. Easter Eggers are also prone to twisted beak. We do offer APA standard Blue Ameraucana. Buff Brahma - Originating from the Brahmaputra region in India where they are known as "Chittagongs". Brahmas are calm, friendly birds that make wonderful pets. They are so mellow - they seem stoned. They are one of the larger breeds out there ---- the mature hen will weigh up to 9 pounds! These big girls are perfect for families with toddlers! Their feathered feet help minimize scratching in backyards. Brahmas lay a cream colored egg on average 3-4x per week; and the Buff color we are offering is beautiful. Brahmas are also considered to be a "quiet" chicken, minimal clucking sounds. $25.99 Cinnamon Queen - The undisputed egg laying CHAMP of the poultry world! This sex link chicken is guaranteed to be a girl and lays extra large brown eggs . She starts laying before other hens and will lay between lay between 250-300 eggs per year. She is the reigning champ
Lavender Maran - This is a twofer! Beautiful lavender feathering with the bonus of laying a dark brown egg! We have found the lavender marans to also be very friendly - so perhaps should call her a threefer! $55
Splash Jersey Giant - I am not sure what it is with New Jersey and big chests - but the Jersey Giant is a massive chicken with a lot of breast meat! She was initially bred in New Jersey to be a dual purpose bird, eggs first then the pot. She is slow to mature. She has a very sweet attitude - and is a true gentle giant. She also lays a very large egg. The Splash feathering is very pretty and she really stands out in the backyard. $40
Speckledy - New to us this year. The Speckledy is another hybrid hen - she is a mix of the Marans and Rhode Island Red -and she inherited the best of her parents. She is an amazing layer of dark brown eggs (frequently spotted) and is very docile. She does not exhibit the notorious toxic girl attitude of the Rhode Island Red! She is a backyard winner! $44
Welbar - New to us this year! The Welbar is a breed of chicken - but best way to describe her is an improved Welsummer. She is a super duper layer of large darkish brown eggs and she is auto sexing - so you know with certainity you are getting a female. $35
Hatching Date: March 12, 2025: All Chicks are $19.99 unless indicated Ayam Cemani - The GOTH chicken - considered to be THE most rare chicken breed on the planet!! This is our 3rd year with this breed. The Ayam Cemani comes from the Island of Java and is ALL BLACK. Not just the feathering - but also the eyes, combs, wattles, and even tongue are black. They are a show stopper. In the sun their feathers look green. They are not super layers - but why should they be - they are too cool being Goth. $90.99
Black Copper Maran -Total Diva chicken - these are big bodied gals with feather feet that and a stunningly coiffed copper head; they slowly move around the yard looking both regal and bored. They are also friendly but their best attribute is their beautiful super- duper-duper dark brown egg, sometimes even copper in color. These eggs shout out, we are not from Safeway or WholeFoods! And of course, the BCM's have the fantastic reputation as being the James Bond bird. Evidently he demanded his daily morning omelet come from Black Coppers. $44.99
Blue Copper Maran - Just as friendly and outgoing as the Black Copper Maran - the Blue Copper is naturally Blue feathered. Her egg is slightly less dark. $42.99
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte - Ohmygod! Drop dead gorgeous. Very rare feathering and very beautiful - they Blue Laced Red is the Cinderella of the Wyandotte family. She is slightly smaller and lays slightly smaller eggs than her sisters - but she is sweeter and less pushy. The blue feathering is recessive --- so some blues will come out baby blue, some will be solid blue and some will be nearly black. Genes are a funny thing! We just can't predict. Just like babies. $33
Chocolate Laced Golden Orpington - If you love your Orpingtons and want something different - the Chocolate Laced Golden Orpington is a show stopper. She has the same buff/orangey base but with brown laced pattern; and no, she does not lay a chocolate egg, but standard brown. $47
Buff Orpington -You just can't go wrong with an Orpington. Cheerful orange color, good layers, and super duper friendly; if they were a dog, they would be a yellow lab. We also find them to be highly intelligent and like labs, will do anything for food. They are a large breed, averaging 7 pounds - and tend to be super scratchers. Orpingtons lay large brown eggs.
Olive Egger - The holy grail of eggs is the elusive olive colored egg. This hen gets her name from the olive colored eggs she lays; though the color can range from light green to dark Army pants green. To produce these green eggs the hen needs to have parentage of a dark brown layer (Barnevelder, Copper Marans, Pendesenca) and then a blue layer, or Ameracauna). This is a hybrid chicken, not a heritage breed, so there is no standard how they will appear. T hey will come in multiple feather colors and facial appearance. $37
Hatching Date: March 26, 2025: All Chicks are $19.99 unless indicated Buff Brahma Bantam (Female) - What is not to like about the Buff Brahma ? This mini sized bird has the same stoned personality of the Giant Brahma -= but just more compact! Same beautiful orange feathering with black accents on her neck and tail. Feathered legs. $46.99
Partridge Cochin Bantam (Female) - The Partridge Cochin Bantam has been mini sized from the standard Giant Cochin. Same sweet bird with massive feathers - she makes a great little pet. She reminds us of a lazy toddler - always looking to be picked up and held! $46.99
Silkies, White - Silkies have the reputation as being the perfect breed for children --- but we find everybody is charmed by them. Calm, sweet and docile . Additionally, Silkies are somewhat unique looking with their special mounds of feathers. They are a walking feather duster! Silkies have the reputation as going boody - which means they have a strong maternal instinct and will even sit on a golf ball trying to get it to hatch. On another note, Silkies mature later than most chickens and won’t start laying until 7-8 months and are nearly impossible to sex on outward appearances. $25
Old English Game Bantam (Barred+ Crele) (Female) Friendly and pocketsized - these little birds have been popular as far back to the MIddle Ages with English nobility. It is fair to say that Henry VIII loved these birds more than several of his wives. Not surprising these birds are now popular with 4-H kids for showmanship. Old English are known for their curious spirit and like to fly and explore their environment. We are offering 2 patterns the Barred and the Crele $46.99
Millie Fleur D'uccle (bantam) - Even Vladamir Putin would be entrapped by this honey pot chicken. For reasons unknown, men, gay or straight - just can't resist this breed. There is just no resistance. She is beautiful with orangy feathering and flower like speckles and then has delightful feathered feet that look like she is wearing slippers! $25
Hatching Date: April 14, 2025: All Chicks are $19.99 unless indicated Lavender Ameracauna - Instagram ready --- the Lavender Orpington is a knock out! The Lavender is most recent addition to the clan and has all the same qualities as the Buff Orpington - but comes in a very rare lavender color. They look gorgeous against a green lawn. The lavender gene breeds true and will always be lavender color unlike the blue gene. Since she is a heritage variety - her eggs are also guaranteed to be colored, unlike the Easter Eggers which are hybrid $52.99
Splash Ameracauna - Also Instagram ready! The Splash Ameracauna is a beautiful feather pattern, white base with splotches of blue feathering. She is also a hheritage variety - her eggs are also guaranteed to be colored, unlike the Easter Eggers which are hybrid $52.99
French Black Copper Marans - Total Diva chicken - these are big bodied gals with feather feet that and a stunningly coiffed copper head; they slowly move around the yard looking both regal and bored. They are also friendly but their best attribute is their beautiful super- duper-duper dark brown egg, sometimes even copper in color. These eggs shout out, we are not from Safeway or WholeFoods! And of course, the BCM's have the fantastic reputation as being the James Bond bird. Evidently he demanded his daily morning omelet come from Black Coppers. $45.99
Wheatan Marans - The most docile and sweet of the dark laying Marans - the Wheatan Maran makes a wonderful pet. She has "wheat" colored feathering and coordinating feathers on her legs. Her eggs can be delightfully freckled or just a darker brown. She also makes a wonderful mother to baby chicks. $45.99
Red Stars -Stars are hybrids that were created by mixing Rhode Island Reds, Delawares, and Silver Laced Wyandottes. Red Stars are "sex links" or "auto sexing" --- which means their gender can be identified by their feather color immediately at hatching. You don't have to worry that you may get a rooster when you buy a Red Star chick - since other breeds are sexed internally which carries an accuracy rate of 90%. The pullets are reddish brown in color with white tips; and the males are white. Egg laying is excellent and these are mellow easy going chickens. You can expect to get 200 eggs per year from this production chicken - but because of their extreme laying egg abilities they do not live as long as heritage hens.
BREEDS OF CHICKENS Easter Eggers- Hands down - this is the most sought after chick we sell because of their ability to lay the very popular blue/green eggs. Not only do they lay beautiful colored eggs, but they are excellent layers and very friendly. Our Easter Eggers come in a mixture of colors and can have bearded muffs. Once they start laying their egg color remains constant. On very rare occasions - you will get an Easter Egger that only lays brown eggs It should be noted that what most people call "Americaunas" are really Easter Eggers. These are hybrids, "mutts" and will give you lots of beautiful eggs, but are not the standard. Easter Eggers are also prone to twisted beak. We do offer APA standard Blue Ameraucana.
Blue Ameraucana - Not a hybrid - this is the pure APA standard Ameraucana that is guaranteed to lay a blue or green egg for you. She sports a delightful beard and muff and her feathers can be blue, grayish or splash. We can't predict her feathering until she hatches. Excellent layer, tolerates weather extremes well and weighs 5.5 pounds
Australorps - Bred in Australia, this breed was mixed with the friendly Orpingtons resulting in a chicken that is smaller in stature and better laying; they can lay over 5 eggs per week. Australorps are all black and have a magic green sheen to their feathers. We find once people have experienced Australorps they always make sure to maintain one in their flock .Chicken insiders also believe that having these in the flock help prevent hawk attacks! since the Australorps all black bodies can resemble crows from above - and we all know crows and Hawks do not mix well.
Splash Australorp - NEW! this year. The beautiful Blue Splash Australorp. This breed , Black Australorp is prized for its great egg laying abilities and friendliness - but its all black feathering - is a turn off for backyard farmers --- since we are all now competing to have beautiful hens. The Splash Australorp takes this Plane Jane to a new level. She is now a stunning swan and still lays tons of eggs!
Antwerp Belgian a.k.a. Bearded d'Anvers (Bantam)-- Extremely friendly, curious and tame! Bearded d'Anvers make great 4-H birds for exhibition and show. These small birds weigh less than 2 pounds.
Ayam Cemani - The GOTH chicken - considered to be THE most rare chicken breed on the planet!! This is our 3rd year with this breed. The Ayam Cemani comes from the Island of Java and is ALL BLACK. Not just the feathering - but also the eyes, combs, wattles, and even tongue are black. They are a show stopper. In the sun their feathers look green. They are not super layers - but why should they be - they are too cool being Goth.
Barnevelder - Named after the Dutch town of Barnevelde this chicken is re-gaining its Super-uber Chicken status after disappearing for decades. In the 1920s, Barnevelders wowed the world for their ability to lay approximately 180-200 large deep brown eggs per year. This was the most popular chicken in the Netherlands (Holland) and is still valued for its quiet disposition and friendliness; they also do well in confinement. We have found them to be broody.
Barred Rock- Classic American chicken - "Barred Rocks" were always found on family farms throughout rural America. Their “real” name is Plymouth Barred Rock. People find their barred pattern very attractive and appreciate the friendly, laid back personality of the birds; plus these birds are excellent layers of large brown eggs. Barred Rocks like leadership positions and tend to be the "alpha of the flock".
Bielefelder - We love this big docile gal. The Bielefelder comes from Germany and is praised for her extremely sweet temperament. She is super easy to scoop up and will charm in your Instagram feed. She is a BIG girl and lays extra large sized pinkish/brown eggs; upwards of 230 eggs per year! Even better! She is auto- sexing - which means at hatching, her feather pattern indicates if male or female.
Black Star - This production chicken is frequently used in commercial operations and is a hybrid; it is a mix between a Barred Rock hen and a Rhode Island Red cock. Once hatched, its sex can be quickly determined based on its feather coloring. This is a huge bonus since it is challenging sexing day old chicks and not 100% accurate. Black Stars have a striking black torso with an orangishy upper body. Excellent layer of 250 eggs first year. Black Stars unlike most hybrid chickens have a lot of meat on them and can be eaten.
Brahma (Buff)-- Originating from the Brahmaputra region in India where they are known as "Chittagongs". Brahmas are calm, friendly birds that make wonderful pets. They are so mellow - they seem stoned. They are one of the larger breeds out there ---- the mature hen will weigh up to 9 pounds! These big girls are perfect for families with toddlers! Their feathered feet help minimize scratching in backyards. Brahmas lay a cream colored egg on average 3-4x per week; and the Buff color we are offering is beautiful. Brahmas are also considered to be a "quiet" chicken, minimal clucking sounds.
Buckeye – This is one Bad Ass chicken. Extremely rare and critically endangered - the Buckeye is the only recognized chicken line that was bred by a woman (Nettie Metcalf) in 1896 -- from the Buckeye State of Ohio. Coming from Ohio, Buckeyes naturally handle cold weather with aplomb ; and are sweet with that bad ass twist. Buckeyes also have the dubious distinction of being master rat catchers; and while sweet they don't tolerate bad behavior. They are simply the cat in the chicken pen.
Buttercup --- See Sicilian Buttercup
California Gray-- What do you get when you cross a Barred Plymouth Rock and a White Leghorn? The California Gray was bred in the 1930s and was immediately popular since it was "auto sexing"; the chicks gender's are easy to identify because of their feather color. The California Gray's has the same handsome barred pattern Barred Rock and has the body dimensions of the Leghorn. The California Gray is much more docile than the Leghorn and is a very good layer of large white eggs. The breed is now quite rare to find having been supplanted by the California White.
California White- Champion egg layer!!! - this breed is considered to be a commercial chicken, is a smaller chicken weighing in at 4.5 pounds, and has delightful black flecking on its all white body (flecking varies between chickens). Unlike its rival the Leghorn, the California White is very quiet , friendly, and easy to handle. They tend to have big personalities. None of the Leghorn's loud cackles or aggressive movements that can be a sensitive topic with neighbors. Our California White sleeps alone at night 20 feet up in a redwood tree
Campine We think this is one of the most gorgeous chickens on the planet - the Silver Campine always gets looks of admiration for her cool beauty and graceful demeanor. Smaller breed weighing 3.5 pounds at maturity; she is a good layer of medium sized white eggs. Like many beauties, she is aware of her special looks and can be a bit stand offish.
Buff Chantecler - These chicks come from Canada - and like most things from Canada - are obnoxiously nice and well behaved. These yellow fluff ball chicks are pure yellow and look like they are straight from the pages of a story book on farm animals! They are the only breed of chicken originating from Canada - so not surprising they handle the cold really- really well. They like to forage but do well in confinement. They lay brown eggs and of course, are non judgmental and get along well with owners and welcome all feathered friends.
Cinnamon Queen. The undisputed egg laying CHAMP of the poultry world! This sex link chicken is guaranteed to be a girl and lays extra large brown eggs . She starts laying before other hens and will lay between lay between 250-300 eggs per year. She is the reigning champ
Giant Cochins - You can't help but smile when you see a Giant Cochin stroll by. Not the best layer - but makes a Fabulous pet and is incredibly sweet and docile that even a toddler or special-need kids can catch and carry this chicken. Cochins are extremely large and have massive amounts of feathers, even on their legs and feet. They look like they are wearing pants from behind. We are currently selling both white and the more rare blue colored cochins. On a historic note, the Cochins started the chicken craze back in Victorian England when they were brought from China to England. Cochins are also considered to be a very quiet chicken.
Cochin (bantam) (frizzle)- This highly sought after chicken looks like it went through a wind tunnel. Same sweet bantam cochin but has the frizzle gene that makes people very verklempt around this sweet bird. It is important to note that the frizzle gene is recessive so less than 1/3 of the hatch will go onto be frizzled. The frizzle feather also results in the birds not being able to fly.
Cuckoo Marans - SHAKEN NOT STIRRED is the way James Bond, 007 takes his cocktail; but how about his breakfast eggs while home in London? Boiled for three and a third minutes and always coming from French Marans hens. Cuckoo Marans come from France and lay a very deep chocolate brown egg. The hens are attractive (they look very similar to Barred Rocks), take confinement well, docile, and of course lay a wonderful dark brown egg which appeals to chicken fanciers. These eggs taste the same as eggs coming from other chickens
Black Copper Marans- Total Diva chicken - these are big bodied gals with feather feet that and a stunningly coiffed copper head; they slowly move around the yard looking both regal and bored. They are also friendly but their best attribute is their beautiful super- duper-duper dark brown egg, sometimes even copper in color. These eggs shout out, we are not from Safeway or WholeFoods! And of course, the BCM's have the fantastic reputation as being the James Bond bird. Evidently he demanded his daily morning omelet come from Marans.
Blue Copper Marans - THe Blue Copper has same great personality as the Black Copper Marans (BCM) - but her feathers are BLUE! And you hit the jack pot when her collar feathers are copper. So makes a nice contrast. We have found their eggs to be lighter in colour than the BCM but prettier since they run towards freckling. No guarantee what your eggs will look like - but we have never been disappointed. Gorgeous egg.
Blue Splash Marans - Known for their friendliness they are also very striking and lay gorgeous speckled eggs. We find the Blue Splash Marans to be "chatty"..
Golden Marans - Prettiest of the Marans and also lays dark chocolate eggs. We have found them to be wonderful mothers.
Delaware - This breed was developed in the state of Delaware by mixing Barred Rocks with white New Hampshires, resulting in a stately chicken with white feathering and black accents on its neck and tail. The Delaware is a very sweet girl, very reliable layer of large brown eggs, and does well in confinement or free range environments. Delawares are also valued for their quietness
Dominiques- This is the chicken that migrated west with the early American settlers and is recognized as the forbearer of the American Plymouth Barred Rock. If we had a national chicken – this would be it. The Dominique is slightly smaller than the Barred Rock but has the same handsome barred pattern; it also has a rosecomb. The Dominique is critically endangered.
Dorking, Silver-Gray-- The Dorking is a breed of chicken that dates back to Roman reign of Julius Caesar; and was brought to England during the Roman invasion. The name "Dorking" comes from the town of Dorking in Surrey. Dorkings are considered to be extremely docile; they lay white eggs and hens tend to go broody. Dorkings have the reputation as "non-scratchers" which is a bonus for many gardeners; and are a very pretty washed out gray, orange and brown coloring; like a heirloom Persian rug. They also have the dubious distinction of being one of the tastiest breeds of chickens to eat.. Dorkings are extremely rare and people tell us they are the sweetest hen in their flock.
Fayoumis- Chicken to the Pharoahs --Fayoumis are an ancient breed of chicken coming from the banks of the Nile River in Egypt. They are fast maturing and can start laying eggs at the remarkable age of 4 months. They are also EXCELLENT layers. Fayoumis are skittish but not aggressive and rather small, weighing 3.5 pounds at maturity. Fayoumis were brought to the USA in the 1940s by researchers at Iowa State University and it was discovered they are very resistant to bacterial and viral infections. If you have pre-existing issues with Marek's Disease on your property - this can be a good bird for you
Silver Spangled Hamburg- This is a very pretty small bird that comes from Holland. It has a white body with wonderful black polka dots on its carriage. Hamburgs are economical eaters, lay medium sized white eggs, rarely become broody, and like to forage in the yard. Like their human counterparts from Hamburg - they can be a tad stand offish and not super huggy.
Houdans (Mottled) - Mottled Houdans come from the village of Houdan outside of Paris - and supplied the Parisian egg markets pre-WWW II. They are cousins to the wacky Polish, and have the distinctive bouffant crest- but can see better and are much better layers of large white eggs . They have a calm disposition and are very sweet-- but from a distance can look like they are a crumpled piece of clothing that somebody accidentally dropped. In France have become rare --- replaced by commercial hybrid chickens.
ISA Browns- If you are buying eggs in an European supermarket - then you are most likely buying eggs from this hyrbid chicken. She is autosexing, so you know with certainity you have a female. On top of that - she pounds out an amazing 300-350 eggs per year!
Japanese (Bantam)- Japanese have very short legs and have the most delightful tail that whooshes up into the sky. These chickens were frequently depicted in traditional Japanese paintings. We have always been in love with our Japanese bantams since they are so sweet and gentle; they make a wonderful pet.
Jersey Giants- I am not sure what it is with New Jersey and big chests - but the Jersey Giant is a massive chicken with a lot of breast meat! She was initially bred in New Jersey to be a dual purpose bird, eggs first then the pot. She is slow to mature. She has a very sweet attitude - and is a true gentle giant. She also lays a very large egg. Splash Jersey Giant - This chicken is comparable to a lap dog in size - but much better natured! This is a big girl! weighing upwards of 10 lbs. And when you are this big - you can only lay GIANT eggs. The Jersey Giant normally is either black or white - but this is our 2nd year with the rare Splash feathering - which is a beautiful blue gray with white base
Lakenvelder - Despite their Germanic sounding name --- Lakenvelders are an ancient breed of chicken originating in the Middle East, and called Tel Megiddo (Hebrew) or Tell al-mutesselim (Arabic). The breed was brought to the Westfalen region of Germany during the Roman era 1 A.D. by the Jewish diaspora. Westfalian Jews continued to raise the breed for centuries and eventually over time it became popular and was adopted by all the inhabitants of the area. Lakenvelders are small in size, averaging 4 pounds are non-setters, and are decent layers of cream colored medium sized eggs. Lakenvelders also do well in confinement or as foragers, but are not particularly affectionate They are very pretty small birds.
Cream Legbar- The Cream Legbar is a bit of a church lady. She has a cute little bonnet on her head, very prim, and lays beautiful blue eggs. She is also autosexing so you know with absolute certainty that you are getting a hen. $44.99
Millie Fleur d'uccle (bantam) – Even Vladamir Putin would be entrapped by this honey pot chicken. For reasons unknown, men, gay or straight - just can't resist this breed. There is just no resistance. She is beautiful with orangy feathering and flower like speckles and then has delightful feathered feet that look like she is wearing slippers!
Naked Necks - When you look like a cross between a chicken, turkey and an dinosaur - then you better have a great personality! Naked Necks are deilghtfully wonderful. They are extremely intelligent, curious, and friendl; and because of their intelligence they tend to get into more mischief. On top of that, they are layer of large/extra large brown eggs. Despite their lack of feathers - they are extremely tough and healthy birds, and lay through the winter months. Their necks can go bright red in the summer months - so we apply sunscreen. They tend to be the alphas of a flock --- ahead of Orpingtons and Barred Rocks. Naked Necks are our family's favorite breed
Old English Game (Bantam) - Friendly and pocketsized - these little birds have been popular as far back to the MIddle Ages with English nobility. It is fair to say that Henry VIII loved these birds more than several of his wives. Not surprising these birds are now popular with 4-H kids for showmanship. Old English are known for their curious spirit and like to fly and explore their environment.
Olive Eggers - The holy grail of eggs is the elusive olive colored egg. This hen gets her name from the olive colored eggs she lays; though the color can range from light green to dark Army pants green. To produce these green eggs the hen needs to have parentage of a dark brown layer (Barnevelder, Copper Marans, Pendesenca) and then a blue layer, or Ameracauna). This is a hybrid chicken, not a heritage breed, so there is no standard how they will appear. T hey will come in multiple feather colors and facial appearance.
Buff Orpingtons- You just can't go wrong with an Orpington. Cheerful orange color, good layers, and super duper friendly; if they were a dog, they would be a yellow lab. We also find them to be highly intelligent and like labs, will do anything for food. They are a large breed, averaging 7 pounds - and tend to be super scratchers. Orpingtons lay large brown eggs. Blue Orpington - Shades of blue make this Orpington highly sought after. Slightly larger than the buff orpington - has the same great personality and intelligence. It is important to note - when Blue Orpingtons hatch 1/2 will be blue, 1/4 will be black and 1/4 will be splash. We can't predict their colors. Jubilee Orpington - The Jubilee Orpington was developed to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee Of Queen Victoria in 1897 (her 50th year on the throne. It is a bit of a mystery what breeds were used to create this show stopper - but most believe Spangled Old English, Dorkings and Orpingtons --- which results in this most beautiful chicken (mahogany base with black spangles and white tips ) and the Oprington puffy butt. Her eggs are a light brown. Lavender Orpington - Instagram ready --- the Lavender Orpington is a knock out! The Lavender is most recent addition to the clan and has all the same qualities as the Buff Orpington - but comes in a very rare lavender color. They look gorgeous against a green lawn. The lavender gene breeds true and will always be lavender unlike the blue gene.
Partridge Plymouth Rocks-- Sister to the more popular Barred Rock, the Partridge Rock has a very pretty coloring and feathering. While the Barred Rocks are "handsome" the Partridge Rocks are more "femme". Same egg laying attributes and personality
Partridge Penedesnca- Spanish chicken from the Catalan region - she has an elongated body and looks like a chicken Picasso would draw. She lays terra cotta color eggs.. She is an excellent forager and her beautiful feather pattern acts as a natural camouflage from aerial predators. Can be chatty.
White Phoenix (Bantam) - Cross-bred in Germany in the late 19th century with the Japanese chicken, the Onagadori . The Phoenix rooster retains the long feathered tail. This ancient royal chicken resided in the Imperial Palace. The Onagadori is famous for its super long "tail" which flows after it majestically. The Phoenix handles confinement well - and is docile, but not super huggy.
Polish - We call this the "Boys' Chicken". since boys always gravitate to her. Is it the crazy crest with the wild feathers? Polish chickens are very very friendly and make great pets and have a delightful "top hat" which gives them a very unique appearance; some may call it a heavy metal or Rock-a-billy look. Unfortunately, their crest gets in their eyes and causes poor vision, frequently resulting them being in the bottom of the pecking order. If this is a serious issue then we recommend trimming their feathers. Their egg laying abilities are mixed - sometimes great and sometimes mediocre of white eggs.
Quail Antwerp Belgian (BANTAM) - This is one of Logan's favorite bantams and a great bantam for kids exhibiting in 4-H or the County Fair. Distant cousin to the popular Millie Fleur d'uccle - the Bearded D'anaver is less known, but as beautiful, friendly and rakish as her cousin. She has a very special coloring pattern (quail): her head is black with a bay colored beard and muff; her body feathers are brownish-black, and then her breast is bay color. She will generate a lot of oohs and ahhhs.
Rosecomb –(Bantam) - Popular Showmanship bird for kids in 4-H, this jaunty little bird is both sweet and curious.
Red Stars - Stars are hybrids that were created by mixing Rhode Island Reds, Delawares, and Silver Laced Wyandottes. Red Stars are "sex links" or "auto sexing" --- which means their gender can be identified by their feather color; at hatching. You don't have to worry that you may get a rooster when you buy a Red Star chick - since other breeds are sexed internally which carries an accuracy rate of 90%. The pullets are reddish brown in color with white tips; and the males are white. Egg laying is excellent and these are mellow easy going chickens. You can expect to get 200 eggs per year from this production chicken - but because of their extreme laying egg abilities they do not live as long as heritage hens.
Rhode Island Red- . Classic American chicken and extremely popular due to their fabulous egg laying abilities of extra large/jumbo sized brown eggs. People are mixed on the Rhode Island Red's personality --- which can range from sweet to aggressive; but Rhode Island Reds are fabulous layers of large-extra large brown eggs, and that is why they are so popular.
Salmon Faverolle - Known for their sweetness and extremely gentle nature we refer to them as 6 pound bantams. Salmon Faverolles are fairly rare but are becoming popular for backyard flocks. Because of their docile nature they tend to be on the bottom of the pecking order. They tolerate confinement well and are very good layers of light brown eggs; and you should expect to get 4 eggs per week.
Silkies (Bantam) - Irresistible. Silkies have the reputation as being the perfect breed for children. Calm, sweet and docile; they also get bonus points for their massive mounds of fluffy- puffy feathers. They are a walking feather duster! Silkies have the reputation as going boody - which means they have a strong maternal instinct and will even sit on a golf ball trying to get it to hatch. Silkies mature later than most chickens and won’t start laying until 7-8 months and are nearly impossible to sex on outward appearances. Our silky, "Big Girl" has been one of our star layers this season - but then she is special..
Silver Seabrights (Bantam) - Seabrights are very friendly and active birds but not cuddly. They have a very distinct erect posture - which makes them stand out amidst their fellow chickens; and their black pen and ink feathering certainly makes them noticable. They tend to be very active and can fly up into trees if free ranging. They seem more birdlike rather than chicken Their independence makes them great for avoiding predator attacks. Charles Darwin (yes, that Charles Darwin) took tremendous interest in Seabrights during his research for "On the Origin of Species" and was a home boy of Lord Seabright. .
Sicilian Buttercup - The Buttercup is both a productive and most beautiful chicken. Buttercups come from Sicily and their name comes from their unique buttercup comb which appears at approximately 1 year. They are friendly chickens but do not tolerate confinement well - they are happiest free ranging. We hear that if they are handled frequently when they are chicks that they become the most loyal chicken. They are endangered but are experiencing a resurgence in popularity due to their great beauty. They lay medium sized white eggs.
Silkies (bantam)-- Silkies have the reputation as being the perfect breed for children --- but we find everybody is charmed by them. Calm, sweet and docile . Additionally, Silkies are somewhat unique looking with their special mounds of feathers. They are a walking feather duster! Silkies have the reputation as going boody - which means they have a strong maternal instinct and will even sit on a golf ball trying to get it to hatch. On another note, Silkies mature later than most chickens and won’t start laying until 7-8 months and are nearly impossible to sex on outward appearances.
Silverrud Blue - Super duper excited about this new breed we are now selling. From Sweden, this breed is the only chicken that lays green eggs that is not a hybrid; in the past they were called "Isbars". They are a small bird but lay large green eggs, approximately 200-230 per year. They are happiest foraging and while sweet, they are not a lap chicken. Like all blue feathering - the blue gene will hatch out with blue, black, splash and white feathers - and we can not predict colors. They also have different body shapes! $41.99
Speckledy - New to us this year. The Speckledy is another hybrid hen - she is a mix of the Marans and Rhode Island Red -and she inherited the best of her parents. She is an amazing layer of dark brown eggs (frequently spotted) and is very docile. She does not exhibit the notorious toxic girl attitude of the Rhode Island Red! She is a backyard winner!
Speckled Sussex - Harry and Meghan's - namesake bird, the Speckled Sussex is beautifulThe Speckled Sussex comes from the English countryside of Sussex - and is a beautiful mahogany color with stately white "speckled flowers" on her body. Sussex’ love to eat – and can become overweight, which can affect their egg laying ability. They also become more beautiful with age - after each molt more specks adorn her body. Very laid back chicken, quiet, and perfect addition to the backyard flock.
Sultans - Think back to the Ottoman Empire. Turkish Sultans not only kept large harems but kept large chicken flocks! These white feathery chickens are their namesakes. They were kept in the palace gardens as living ornamentals. The Sultans are sweet and docile and similar in temperament to White Silkies. Sultans have wonderfully outrageous white feathers, tolerate heat well, and are quite rare
Swedish Flower - This is the beauty queen of chickens. Rare, Rare Rare and very beautiful! From the South of Sweden (of course). These beautiful birds are very calm and come in a range of colors; they have beautiful white feathering on their tips which gives them their Swedish name, Skansk Blommehona, since they look like feathering flowers. These birds are very good layers and not prone to broodiness, which maybe one of the reasons they are critically endangered.
Turkens (Naked Necks) -- See Naked Necks
Welbar - Welbar - NEW FOR US, this year - the Welbar is a hybrid mix between the friendly Welsummer and the Barred Rock heritage breeds resulting in a dream chicken. First off, she is autosexing! Based on her feather pattern at hatching you know with confidence you are getting a female chick! On top of that! She lays dark brown eggs approximately 240 per year!
Welsummer - This is the iconic chicken that graces the Kellogg's Corn Flakes cereal box! Welsummers are not only great looking but also friendly! This breed matures early which means you get your eggs earlier than other breeds. Weighs 6 pounds at maturity and lays the most beautiful egg -- brown with dark freckling spots. Every Welsummer we have had has been a reliable layer of dark brown eggs and very friendly.
Whiting True Blue - A modern breed of chickens - this hybrid was developed to lay tons of blue eggs. We have found them to be friendly --- and the best part is they lay GINORMOUS blue eggs.
Silver Laced Wyandotte - The feathering on the Silver Laced Wyandotte is very striking black and white pattern - and she knows she is pretty, so has a bit of an attitude. Our visitors are always drawn to our Silver Laced Wyandottes free ranging in the garden. This is a popular backyard chicken and is considered very friendly but we find her more teen aged girl friendly.
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte - Ohmygod! Drop dead gorgeous. Very rare feathering and very beautiful - they Blue Laced Red is the Cinderella of the Wyandotte family. She is slightly smaller and lays slightly smaller eggs than her sisters - but she is sweeter and less pushy. The blue feathering is recessive --- so some blues will come out baby blue, some will be solid blue and some will be nearly black. Genes are a funny thing! We just can't predict. Just like babies.